Lin Yan 林延
Phekda II - Inverted Shadow 天璣II -反映, 2017-2018
Xuan paper, bricks, water, and mirror, site-specific installation
6 x 5 x 3.4cm
(180 x 97cm 366张/pcs; 180 x 60cm 160张/pcs)
(180 x 97cm 366张/pcs; 180 x 60cm 160张/pcs)
Phekda (Tianji 天璣), named after the third star, Phekda II - Inverted Shadow 天璣II - 反映 was the second version of Phekda created at Leo Gallery in Shanghai. Inverted Shadow is a four- to five-square-meter maze built from hundreds of sheets of white paper hanging from the ceiling, with the structure accompanied by its reflection in dark water. Visitors were invited to step on cement blocks like those found on construction sites. Thus they found themselves walking through the narrow path of water, touched by soft paper on both sides of their bodies. It was like making your way through a three-dimensional ink wash painting. The path was so narrow that you could only go forward, turn without knowing where your steps would take you, and continue to the destination—also the starting point. Phekda draws attention to sky and air, which is essential for human kinds. Phekda II - Inverted Shadow raises awareness to water, which is also indispensable for human existence.
《天璣II-反映》是在上海獅語畫廊所創作的「天璣」第二版。《反映》 是一個四到五平米的迷宮,由數百張懸掛在天花板上的白紙構成。整個結構與與其在暗色水面上的倒影相輝映。觀者被邀請踏在建築工地上找來的水泥塊上,然後他們發現自己走在狹窄的水路中,觸碰着圍繞他們身體兩側的柔軟紙張。這就像通過一幅三維水墨畫一樣。道路非常狹窄,你只能往前走,在不知道自己將走向何處的情況下轉彎,直到終點——也是起點。《天璣II-反映》引起了對水的關注,水同樣也是人類生存的不可或缺之物。
2018.7.8 - 2018.9.1 锵锵2018:女性艺术家联展第六回 思维风景:英格里德·勒登特个展, 反映:林延个展 / Soft Power 2018: Female Artists’ Exhibition VI Mindscapes: Ingrid Ledent Solo Exhibition, Inverted Shadow: Lin Yan Solo Exhibition2020 3.18-25 Art Basel Hong Kong 2020 Online Viewing Exhibition "Regeneration of Hope", Leo Gallery
2020.3.18-25 香港巴塞尔2020在线展《希望重生》,狮語画廊