Yang Yang 楊揚

Yang Yang (b. 1988, Hangzhou, China)
Currently works and lives in Hangzhou, China


Yang Yang graduated from the School of Intermedia Art of The China Academy of Art with a Master's degree in 2014. Yang's participation in the 2015 Galerie Krinzinger Gallery Artist Residency Project in Vienna, Austria provided her with the opportunity to expand her artistic practice and network within the international art community.
Yang’s works have been widely showcased at various significant exhibitions both internationally and in mainland China, which reflect her unique artistic style and creative concepts. Her past exhibition includes “Abundance is Beauty” contemporary group exhibition, which was held at Song Art Museum in Beijing in 2021, “Unusual Daily Life” at HABITAT Art Space in Shanghai in 2021, “OPEN BOOKS” International Artist Exhibition in Ottawa, Canada in 2016 and Italian Art Fair "UTOPIA & BEYOND" in Turin, Italy in 2015 among others.