Joy Brown 喬伊・布朗

Joy Brown was born in Japan in 1951 and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Eckerd College in Florida. She defines clay and bronze as the primary materials for her sculptures, giving them a soul of harmony and optimism. Her simple, grotesque, yet powerful "Joyful Dolls," which are mostly calm and unassuming, have become a favorite of the public. Joy Brown uses these dolls to tell the story of her life as an ordinary person, a mother, and a citizen of multiple cultures, both East and West.
Joy Brown brings humility and kindness to her work, conveying a simple yet firm voice through different forms and surface treatments, constructing individuality, introspection, and empathy.In 2003, she received the Ruth Steinkraus-Cohen Memorial Outstanding Women's Award for the State of Connecticut, and in 2016 she was honored with the Public Artist of the Year Award for the U.S. In 2017 she was invited to hold a large-scale solo exhibition on Broadway Street, New York City.